

Your Birthday - born 19th, April

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 19th, April ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 19th, April :
April 19 may spend the days at a desk working out budgets, meetings and a company health policy, or nights stacking shelves at Tesco to earn money to pay for studytime. But what 19 dreams about are banks of yellow nodding foxgloves. It's no wonder that gardening is a passion for many late April people born at the time when nature crowds hedgerows with beauty and the perfumed cowslip dollops pale sunshiny colour over green fields. Passionate gardeners are born all year, but April 19 likes brilliance. And wild flowers in the garden border. Theirs are full of yellow Welsh poppies, clumps of white and purple dead nettle and the luxurious golden rod. Splashes of red and purple everywhere, with modern roses blooming all year round ringed by scented white clematis and red tinged honeysuckle. Wild in the garden means wild at heart. Pressure at work drives April 19 lupins for a few peaceful moments and this individual often throws career to the winds, plumping for less money and more time. They are happy living cheaply, finding work here and there. Both sexes long for an equally unmaterialistic mate. Together they will muddle along, raising kids without luxuries, but happy, healthy and always laughing. Wealthy in affection, no visitor goes away uncared for, always happier than when he arrived. And usually with an exotic plant for his own garden or window box. If April 19 only has a window box, it will be a glorious creation. And there are flowers growing all over the kitchen. If April 19 does get his or her hands on money, and fortune promises the likelihood by some accident of fate, friends must try to stop this person giving it away to someone they feel is more in need. April 19 needs persuading that money invested for a rainy day is a comforting thought, and even if they don't want it, their children or some other relative may in the future.
Body :

For April 19 every flower has significance. They all have meanings, some less than romantic. Red roses mean 'I love you. Pinks say 'How lovely you are. Tulips state 'By this token I declare my passion. And violets insist 'Pure and sweet art thou'. So with these commoner gifts we're safe. However a bunch of daffs says 'I do not return your affections' and narcissus, worse still, 'You love no one better than yourself'.The paranoid and popular begonia warns 'We are being watched'. And straightforward basil declares 'I dislike you.'
Mind :

You like to live in peace and a good atmosphere. Yet discord and upsets are bound to happen occasionally and when this happens you suffer considerable mental strain. Take the Bach Flower Remedy, agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria).

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